AMSGNY Announcements

Tribute to Maynard Solomon

On Saturday, May 8th, the AMSGNY will host a tribute to Maynard Solomon in honor of his 80th birthday at the Juilliard School in Lincoln Center. In addition to presentations by noted scholars, there will be a special exhibit of items from the Juilliard Manuscript Collection.

Glorya Kaufman Dance StudioThird Floor
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, entrance at 65th Street
New York City

9:30 Welcoming remarks Joseph Polisi, President, The Juilliard School
Joseph Kerman A Puccini Pastoral [Paper to be distributed with the program]
9:45 Robert Marshall Bach at Mid-Life: The Christmas Oratorio and the Search for New Paths
10:30 James Webster Did Haydn Have a 'Late' Style?
11:15 Robert Winter WoO 83 and the Classical Performing Tradition
12:00 Lewis Lockwood Beethoven as Sir Davison: Another Look at his Relationship to the Archduke Rudolph
Exhibition, the Juilliard Manuscript Collection
1:45 Richard Kramer Anagnôrisis: Euripides, Gluck and the Theater of Recognition
2:30 Elaine Sisman Sunrise, Sunset: Music of Darkness and Light
3:15 Kristina Muxfeldt Liberty in the Theater, or the Emancipation of Words: Mozart, Beethoven, Tieck, Schubert
4:00 Leo Treitler Why We Need 'The Image in Form' Today
Reception to follow

For purposes of security at the Juilliard School, we have been asked to provide a list of names of those expected to attend. Kindly RSVP to .

*A buffet sandwich and salad lunch will be available at a modest charge. So that we may prepare accordingly, kindly signal your intention to take lunch here by writing to no later than 21 April.

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