AMSGNY Announcements

Summertime Roundtable Discussions

Dear AMSGNY members,

As you know, our fall meeting will be held online.  More details on this will be sent out the beginning of September, but keep September 12th open to "attend."

Part of this meeting was to feature a roundtable discussion on the future of musicology, given the tremendous changes that our discipline (along with all others) caused by the coronavirus, BLM, and other events over the past few months.

However, it seems like September will be too late to begin discussing these matters, and any others that come up.  Therefore, we will hold some online meetings to talk about these things, on Wednesday evenings at 7, beginning with August 5th.  Each roundtable will begin with a brief talk about an issue, then then we will open the "floor" to discussion.  

At the first meeting, on August 5th, I will give the opening remarks on what I see to be the future of musicology.

On August 12th, Larry Ferrara will talk about curriculum revisions and other adaptations to encourage diversity.

Future meetings and topics are open at this point; let me know if you are interested.  I am sure we will have plenty to discuss.

Note that these meetings are not limited to AMSGNY members, nor to musicologists.  Many of the current circumstances will affect people who study and teach other areas of music, with applied instruction especially impacted.  Please invite anyone you know to join in.

If you are interested in "attending," please send me an e mail at jdailey "at"  Note that this is not the usual e mail address I use, but I will use it for this event.  I will mail out the Zoom code an hour before the first meeting.  I want to thank Jonathan Waxman for agreeing to be Zoom master for these meetings.

Let me know if you have any questions.  These are unprecedented times, but forward-thinking people should be able not only to adapt, but to prosper.  

Stay safe!

Best wishes,

Jeff Dailey

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