AMSGNY Announcements

AMGNY sponsors Eighth Annual Teaching Music History Day




The Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society, the Greater New York Chapter of the AMS, and Rider University announce the Eighth Annual Teaching Music History Day, to be held Saturday, March 31, 2012. Teaching Music History Day is a forum for exchanging ideas on effective teaching, and is open to all who have an interest in teaching music history. We extend a special invitation to those who are involved in public musicology, as well as music scholars who teach related courses (e.g., music history and music appreciation) but whose primary discipline lies outside of musicology.

Call for Presentations

The program committee welcomes proposals for papers, roundtables, panels, or demonstrations that deal with any aspect of the teaching of music history (widely defined). We hope to devote one session to each of the following issues:

(1) Curriculum: In an increasingly diverse and fractured musical world, what should music history curricula entail? Does it still make sense to have “core” music history courses that all music majors must take, or should curricula provide more music history options for students? In a world where our music major graduates will perform in a wide variety of musical traditions, should the repertoire explored in classes for music majors be different from the repertoire used in non-major courses? If so, why? What are the goals and objectives of teaching music history that should determine such decisions?

(2) “Public Musicology”: This includes teaching of music history through writing books for the general public, blogging, reviewing concerts and CDs, teaching classes at community centers, giving pre-concert talks and public lectures, organizing festivals, and so on. What are the goals of “public musicology” and what are the pros and cons of different approaches to accomplishing these goals? How do these activities affect the musical experiences of “students”? How does “public musicology” deal with longstanding myths, such as “music as a universal language” and “composers must suffer to write great music.”

(3) New Technologies and New Pedagogies: For teachers both inside and outside of academia, how can teachers employ blogs, wikis, and other Web 2.0 applications to help students create their own map of the musical universe? What new methods have you tried to help your students achieve their learning objectives?

Please submit your proposal in the form of a 300-word abstract in the body of an email to Be sure to include a brief description of your mode of presentation and please list your equipment needs. The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2012. Accepted proposers will be notified by January 31, 2012. As this event is sponsored by AMS-GNY, we request that all presenters pay the $15 membership fee ($10 for students) for the chapter.

The members of the program committee are: Candace Bailey (North Carolina Central University), Matthew Baumer (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Andrew Dell’Antonio (University of Texas at Austin), David Harnish (University of San Diego), Eric Hung (Rider University; ex-officio) and Sharon Mirchandani (Rider University).

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