2016 Winter Meeting
0 Comments Published by AMSGNY President on Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 6:21 PM.
The topic of the meeting is “Music and Women.” We are looking for presentations that examine all aspects of this theme.
If you wish to submit a proposal, please do so by December 29th. E mail a 200-250 word proposal to both DrJSDailey@aol.com and jonathan.waxman@gmail.com. Include in your e mail the following: Your name, your e mail address, your affiliation (if any), your mailing address, and your phone number. Also include a statement as to how your proposal fits the theme. In the subject line of the e mail, place “AMSGNY Winter 2016 proposal.”
This is a good time to renew your membership, which may be done online or by mail.
As part of the meeting, we will be honoring our own Woman of Music--devoted member Isabelle Cazeaux will be turning 90 in February, but she never misses one of our gatherings.