2019 Fall Meeting--Call for Proposals
0 Comments Published by AMSGNY President on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 11:04 AM.
The fall meeting will take place at NYU on Saturday, October 19th. The theme for this meeting is "Musical Borrowing." We are seeking presentations on all interpretations of this theme, from the earliest times to the present day. Lawrence Ferrara, of NYU, will be our keynote speaker and will talk about his recent experiences in copyright law.
Please send 200 word abstracts by September 14th to both me at jdailey "at" gts.edu and jonathan.waxman "at" gmail.com. Please include your name and contact information (email and phone), your affiliation (if any), and your abstract in the body of the e mail (no attachments). Please be sure to put "AMSGNY Fall Meeting" in the subject line. Include a brief biography, which will be printed in the program if your proposal is accepted.