Spring 2021 Meeting
0 Comments Published by AMSGNY President on Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 10:18 AM.
The spring meeting will take place—online—on Saturday, May 8th. We are accepting proposals through March 15th. E mail them to both jonathan.waxman “at” gmail.com AND DrJSDailey “at” aol.com. Paste everything into the e mail (no attachments) and put “AMSGNY SPRING MEETING” in the subject line. Include your name, affiliation (if any) and contact information in the e mail.
At the meeting, we will be electing new student and council representatives. If you will be a student in the fall, consider running for this office. Professors are asked to notify eligible students about this opportunity. Both the chapter and the national office subsidize the student members’ attendance at the national conference and the student representative serves for two years. The council representative serves for three years. For more on these positions, see the AMS guidelines at https://www.amsmusicology.
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